Monday, April 18, 2011

Micah at new brookland tavern

Hey guys, sorry its been so long since I've posted, I started a new job and have been little busy adjusting and preparing for my show last night.  Usually they let me perform my whole set but after arriving I found out I only had 5 mins so I had to do last second adjustments to my setlist.  95% of the jokes in this video are completely new material I haven't tried in front of a crowd yet.  We also had a smaller crowd, but I feel like it still went well.  Hope you guys enjoy.


  1. welcome back :)
    so far i enjoyed it a lot (halfway through, gonna continue tomorrow)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. finally you are back
    congrats to the new job

  4. Haha I appreciate the support guys. Hopefully I'll be regularly updating now.
